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My name is Grant Larcom, and I’m a professional pianist in Nashville, Tennessee. I’m sharing my knowledge and experience with you.

My story of how I became a professional pianist
My story starts with my very first piano lesson when I was 5 years old. I don’t know what drew me to music, but I knew from an early age that I wanted to be a musician.
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All the best, Grant Larcom

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The Best Piano Tuners in Nashville: Why Seale Keyworks Leads the Pack
If you’re in Nashville, you already know this city is synonymous with music. From the…
Donating Your Piano – The Logistics
Whether you have an old piano that no longer fits your lifestyle or a grand…
How Many Keys Does a Piano Have? Exploring the Key Counts, History, and Innovations
The piano is one of the most iconic keyboard instruments in music history. From its…
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Securing a Regular Gig
How to get a regular gig in your local area.
Are my Piano Keys Ivory?
Unsure if your piano keys are ivory? Check this out.
The Nashville Number System
The best guide for understanding the NNS.
Auctor aperiam ante repellat atque, facilis Sint.